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The 7 Different Types Of Rest You Need To Be Your Best Self


By now we all would know that exercise is important. And, it's only been getting more and more popular over the last decade. But we seem to have forgotten the things before this wave, like the value of rest. In these moments when we slow down and are inactive, our bodies can actually repair and grow new cells. Rest is a crucial step to taking care of your health, but it's not often discussed. Surprisingly, most people who are aware of rest still don't know about the different types of it. The truth is, there are a lot more than you might think. The 7 different types of rest are described below.

The 7 Different Types Of Rest You Need To Be Your Best Self

Physical Rest/Sleep

"The effects of sleep deprivation can be immediate or delayed, depending on the type of activity that's being performed while awake."

The body needs sleep to function properly. Sleep helps you think more clearly and makes you more productive at work. It also helps your memory, learning and creativity. When you don't get enough sleep, your health, safety and performance are affected. Sleep promotes the healing process during illness or injury. The immune system works better when you're sleeping well.

The effects of sleep deprivation can be immediate or delayed, depending on the type of activity that's being performed while awake. For example: If you're driving a car, you may not notice any effects right away but could become drowsy after several hours on the road. If you continue to drive when this happens, your reaction time may decrease significantly and you could get into an accident or cause one for someone else on the road with you.

If you're at work doing physically demanding tasks such as lifting heavy objects or standing for long periods of time, fatigue will set in faster than it normally would if you were well rested. This increases your risk for injury from overexertion as well as from slips/trips/falls. Getting a good night's sleep is one of the best things you can do for your mind and body. While it's impossible to get a full night of uninterrupted sleep every night, you can take steps to improve the quality of your sleep.

If you're having trouble sleeping, try these tips:

- Stay on a regular schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your body's internal clock. This makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.

- Establish a relaxing routine. Try taking a warm bath or shower before bedtime. Read or watch TV in dim light instead of bright light, which can affect melatonin production (the hormone released during sleep). Try listening to soft music or sounds that mask background noise (such as white noise or ocean waves). Avoid watching TV or using your phone right before bedtime — they emit blue light that may keep you awake longer than you'd like!

-Don't eat heavy meals within two hours of bedtime; drink plenty of water throughout the day; avoid caffeine after noon; don't smoke cigarettes; avoid alcohol within six hours of bedtime; avoid medications unless prescribed by a doctor for sleep issues; exercise regularly but not

Sensory Rest

Sensory rest is a form of meditation that helps you to focus on your body and mind. It can be done any time, but it’s best done before bedtime or after a stressful day. Sensory rest means turning off your senses for a period of time. Why do this? It's a way to give your body and mind a break from the constant stimulation we get from our busy lives.

The two main types of sensory rest are:

Physical sensory rest, involves lying down or sitting quietly without distractions, such as music or television.

Mental sensory rest, involves doing things that don't require much thought or concentration, such as listening to music or reading a book.

Other things that can help with sensory rest:

- Switching off your phone

- Taking a break from social media and the internet

- Taking a nap in a dark room ( invest in blackout blinds)

- Wearing noise-cancelling headphones

- Get some fresh air

- Lighting some candles

- Soaking in a tub

Mental Rest

Mental rest is a state of mind that does not include thoughts, emotions or ideas. When you are mentally rested, you feel alert and clear-headed. This isn't the same as being bored or tired. You can be mentally rested even when you're doing something challenging or interesting, but it's important to take time out from mental activity in order to refresh yourself. Evidence shows that mental rest improves cognitive function, creativity, and productivity. It also helps you deal with stress better to avoid burnout or other health problems related to stress. And when you improve your brain health through mental rest, you are also more likely to exercise more often and make healthy food choices than those who do not get enough mental rest.

Things that can help with mental rest

- Sound baths

- Doing Yoga

- Meditation

- Going to the spa

- Just saying No

- Delegating tasks

Emotional Rest

"Too much cortisol can lead to unwanted weight gain, muscle loss, low energy levels and other health problems."

It's important to recognize that our emotions can be like a storm, they can come out of nowhere and leave us feeling tired, angry and stressed. So why not take some time to rest? When you're tired or stressed, your body produces more cortisol , a hormone that helps you deal with stress. But too much cortisol can lead to unwanted weight gain, muscle loss, low energy levels and other health problems. The good news is that emotional rest comes naturally when you're spending time with friends and family who support you and love you for who you are.

Other things that can help with emotional rest:

- Journaling

- Therapy

- Letting go and moving on

Creative Rest

Creative rest is a period where you allow your mind to wander freely and not think about anything in particular. Creative rest is the opposite of creative work, but it is just as important for an artist's psychological health as regular sleep or physical exercise. When you're in the middle of a project, your mind is working hard to solve problems, come up with new ideas and keep track of details. This kind of focused attention can be exhausting, especially if it goes on for a long time. Creative rest allows you to recharge your batteries so that you can continue creating without burning out.

Things that can help with creative rest:

- painting or drawing

- enjoying nature

- dancing

- writing

Social Rest

You've probably heard the phrase "social rest," which refers to the idea that if you're going to be social, you need to allow yourself time to recover after being around people. In other words, you can't just go out and party every night or hang out with friends all weekend. You need time to yourself. People who are extroverts can get a lot of their energy from being around others. But introverts often find that they need time alone to recharge after being around people. If they don't get that time, they may feel tired and stressed out by their interactions with other people. Some researchers have suggested that being around people (especially strangers) requires more mental energy than being alone, so it's easier for introverts to run out of steam when they're interacting with others. They may also get worn down by having so much contact with other people in a short period of time. With this in mind, it makes sense that introverts might need some kind of mental break from social situations, even if it's just for an hour or two at most. before getting back into them again.

Things that can help with social rest:

- Saying No to invites when you don't feel like going

- Switching up your activities to more fun and relaxing ones

- Having regular me-time activities

- Limiting or cutting off toxic relationships and people

Spiritual Rest

"Once you have experienced the joy that comes from spiritual rest, it becomes easier to make time for it."

This applies to spiritual persons and by no means am I trying to force religion or spirituality on anyone so if this does not apply to you that's fine, but when you spend time in God's presence, you become more like Him. When you are with Him, you feel His peace and His love for you. You need spiritual rest because it is impossible for you to maintain your relationship with God if you don't allow yourself some time away from the distractions of this world. Once you have experienced the joy that comes from spiritual rest, it becomes easier to make time for it. You will learn how to say no when you need to and take time out for yourself so that you can renew your mind, soul and body.

things that can help with spiritual rest:

- Praying

- Affirmations

- Going to church

- Spiritual Fasting

- Journaling

- Enjoying nature

Modern life is stressful, and many of us struggle to find time to get enough rest. But remember that sleep and rest are crucial to your health. When you take care of yourself, you're more able to enjoy the little things in life that bring you happiness, like evenings spent with friends, or a morning cup of coffee. And who knows? Maybe then you'll learn something about yourself along the way, too.


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