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9 Steps To Stop Self Sabotaging Behaviours


Many people are doing the exact opposite of what they want to do in life. They sabotage their dreams and aspirations and then wonder why they don’t succeed. There are reasons for this and ways to overcome it If you recognise some of these behaviours in yourself.

9 Steps To Stop Self Sabotaging Behaviours

What is self-sabotage?

Self-sabotage is defined as the act of damaging one's own interests, aspirations, or chances of success. Self-sabotage is often linked to subconscious instincts or an underlying feeling of insecurity. It is important to understand why you are self-sabotaging your progress in order to stop this habit. Many people sabotage themselves because they are afraid of success. They feel like if they finally make it, they will lose their sense of purpose.

Things You May Be Doing That Is Holding You Back

The first step to overcoming any challenge or barrier is to identify it. What are some signs that you might be holding yourself back? Here are some common excuses that may actually be signs of self-sabotage.

1. Not Getting New Perspective

Nothing will hold you back more than being stuck in your own bubble. The more perspectives you can get, the better. When you take the time to understand the other person’s point of view, you can grow. If you stop looking for new perspectives on the problems you face, you’ll never get better. Of course, it can be difficult to keep learning when you feel stuck. Whatever inspires you to find new perspectives, find it. Challenge yourself to explore the world of new possibilities. You don’t need to change everything, just some new aspect of your life that you haven’t considered before. A new job, a new hobby, a new location, whatever interests you. The possibilities are endless.

2. Not Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Nothing ever happens until you make the decision to do something different, because the reality is that we can’t make changes if we’re not willing to leave our comfort zones behind.

A lot of people are stuck in their comfort zones. Whether it’s a job, a relationship, or even a hobby, they’re too afraid to step out of it and take on something new. They fear the unknown and what could go wrong. But staying in your comfort zone can hold you back from achieving greatness. Nothing ever happens until you make the decision to do something different, because the reality is that we can’t make changes if we’re not willing to leave our comfort zones behind. The first step to leaving your comfort zone is understanding its definition.

4. Dreading Failure

Dreading failure is one of the worst feelings in the world. It's even worse than failing because you're already dreading it. It can hold you back and stop you from trying new things. This kind of negative thinking – and the future we anticipate – is very powerful. We all need to fight it and not let it stop us from trying new and different things. Failures don’t define us. Failing isn’t what’s important, it’s what we do after we made those mistakes that’s the key. Ultimately, what it comes down to is understanding that failing is a part of life and it’s not going to hurt your feelings or make you a failure. It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, as long as you keep trying and don’t let fear of failure hold you back.

5. Procrastination

Sometimes it can be hard to get started. Procrastination is a habit, and it takes time to break it, but it’s so very worth it. The more you procrastinate, the more you train yourself to stop the work. I know we all have to do boring stuff, and we can’t always avoid it, but we should still take the time to get it done. It's important to be aware of the effects of procrastination so you can nip it in the bud. Procrastination can have a negative impact on your work life, your social life, and the quality of your sleep. Procrastination is one of the hardest things to watch, because you know that it's happening, and you know that there's a chance that you could be successful. It's a self-sabotage loop that is hard to get out of. One way to get out of this loop is to structure your time so you can't get distracted. Create a "no-procrastination zone" in your house. Set up a personal productivity kit to get you going, and take action.

6. Giving In To Distractions

Being distracted is the last thing you want to happen because it takes you off task, which can actually derail your productivity. When you give in to distractions, you don’t give yourself the time to focus on the work at hand. Choosing to distract yourself can make you feel bad about your work because you feel like you’re procrastinating. You may also feel guilty because you didn’t finish what you were working on. What you really need to do is make sure you set time limits on distractions.

7. Negative Thinking

Think about how many times you’ve said something like, “I can’t do this project because I’m no good at design”. When you start telling yourself that you can’t, or won’t, do something, it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy and makes it much more difficult to achieve your goals. Imagine if you changed your self-talk to, “I’ll give it a try and see how it goes. I might surprise myself”. This thought process gives you a positive outlook and helps you take

9. Being a perfectionist

Being a perfectionist is not always good. It's very positive until you take it too much to the extreme. The problem with being a perfectionist is that you will never be satisfied with your work. You will always be looking for flaws and mistakes in your work and keep working on it incessantly. It takes a whole lot of time and effort to create something perfect and it can take up all the time you have. You become pre-occupied with one thing and forget about other important things in life, like family, friends or work assignments. Perfectionism can also affect your health if you are eating.

10. You don't follow through

The first step to achieving anything is taking action. Unfortunately, we all have a tendency to not follow through on our ideas until we have to. We often think that it’s okay to start something and not finish it. There’s a good chance you’ve learned that starting is more important than finishing, and I agree with you on that. But the fact of the matter is, if you don’t finish your projects, nothing can ever come of them. You will never achieve the success you want if you don’t complete your work.

One of the most important things for success in any field is to follow through. Just as failure to do so in business or sport costs us dearly, failing to follow through in your personal life can have consequences too.

11.Waiting for the right time

Waiting for the perfect moment before you do anything can be stressful, but it can also hold you back. We’ve all heard the saying “Timing is everything,” but that doesn’t have to be true. You are your own best judge of how things are going to go, so whatever you’ve been wanting to do, just do it! By sticking with your intentions, you’ll be able to see what works best for you, what timeline feels right, and what really unlocks your creativity.

12.Having a goal without a plan

Everyone needs goals. They’re an essential part of building a satisfying and fulfilling life. But goals need a plan. Goals without a plan can actually hold you back and limit your progress. If you’ve ever set goals and failed to follow through, it might be because you weren’t realistic about your goals and what it’ll take to achieve them. Without a plan, you don’t know what resources you need, how you’ll be able to prioritize your goals, and what you might need to do to get from day to day. Without a plan, you’ll end up feeling overwhelmed. It's really important for you to plan your goals and give yourself a timeline. It's also crucial that they're measurable. A lot of people know what they want to accomplish, but they're not willing to commit to a plan. They don't want to take the first step towards that goal. Planning for your goals gives you a sense of structure and a reason to actually take that first step.

13. Being a one-woman show

It’s so hard, so so hard, to be a solo person and give everything your all. A lot people think that having whatever I want and running a company with limited hours is easy but it can be very stressful at times. One woman show can sometimes be difficult to manage if you’re not great at multitasking. If this is the case, try to break your one-woman show into smaller tasks. It’s important to have a plan, even if it’s not perfect. Everything can’t be done at once. You need to prioritize what you do first if you don’t have time for it.

14. Looking for faults in relationships

If you take the time to focus on flaws or shortcomings, then you’re ignoring what should be the focus: what’s working.

When you spend your time looking for faults in relationships, or in yourself, for that matter, it can be really damaging. Sometimes, people stay in relationships that they aren’t happy in just because they’ve found their partner to be less than perfect. Spending your time looking for faults in each other, in your partner, in your family, in your friends, in yourself, or in your own abilities, is not only unhealthy but it can hold you back. You’ll spend your time looking for something, anything, to blame. And in the meantime, you’ve lost all focus on your goals. If you take the time to focus on flaws or shortcomings, then you’re ignoring what should be the focus: what’s working. Angrily pointing out other people’s mistakes is easy to do, but the easiest person to find fault with is yourself. The idea that relationships are difficult, or that something is inherently wrong with them is one of the most toxic lies. There are always opportunities for growth, change, and development. So, by finding fault in relationships, you’re limiting your opportunities to grow.

15. Not taking care of yourself

This is a very interesting topic. People who are kind to themselves tend to be happier, healthier, and more successful than those who are not. There are several ways you can take care of yourself, whether it’s by meditating, exercising or simply eating a healthy diet. If you feel you need to improve your self-care habits, here are some tips for doing so: 1. Get enough sleep. 2. Meditate. 3. Exercise regularly. 4. Eat healthy meals (and snacks).

How to stop sabotaging yourself

This comes back to the importance of mindset. It's really down to how you see yourself. If you're not happy with the way you are, you're going to sabotage yourself. So, your focus needs to be on self-optimism. It's also important to focus on the things you're good at, because if you're confident in your abilities then you're less likely to be discouraged. It's about accepting yourself for who you are, and re-framing your thinking to stop seeing yourself as good, bad, fat, thin, ugly, etc.

If you want to stop sabotaging yourself, then here's how:

1. Identify your self-sabotage patterns and figure out why you do them

Most people have patterns in their lives that keep them from success. These patterns are self-sabotage and they exist to keep you stuck or distracted. It’s important to identify your self-sabotage patterns so you can change them. Once you do this, you open yourself up to a life of success and achievement.

2. Find healthy alternatives

We all have self-sabotaging habits that we can't seem to shake, but it's time to take a look at the situation and find healthy alternatives that will help you overcome those bad habits. Self-sabotage is a coping mechanism where we strive to feel better by making ourselves feel worse. It is one of the most common reasons why people are not able to reach their full potential. Instead of self-sabotaging all the time, here are some healthy alternatives:

  • Start the day with gratitude. Instead of thinking about what you don't have, think about all the things that you already do have. Write them down and thank yourself for having those things.

  • Avoid negative self-talk. Recognize that your negative self-talk is a habit and try to catch it as soon as possible.

  • Focus on your strengths instead of weaknesses. Everyone focuses on their weaknesses. This is the wrong approach. Instead, focus on your strengths. In fact, research suggests that you can even build habits of strong performance by working on them consistently for a short amount of time each day. It’s about developing a daily routine that builds confidence in your ability to execute at a high level.

  • Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. This isn't a free pass to not take action, but it's important to remember that the road to success doesn't have to be a straight line. And the more you can accept that and deal with the curves and bumps in the road, the smoother your ride will be.

3. Clarify your values and goals.

Sometimes when you feel like you’re on the right track, your inner critic can step in and hold you back.

When you’re moving towards something that is important to you, it can be easy to get distracted. Sometimes when you feel like you’re on the right track, your inner critic can step in and hold you back. You might feel like your current situation isn’t as good as it should be because you aren’t where you want to be. To combat this feeling, it’s helpful to clarify your values and goals. By doing so, you can keep your focus on what is important to you and avoid self sabotage. Your values and goals must be written down, not just verbally stated. If they are not written down, they are less likely to be committed to memory and you are more likely to deviate from them.

4.Anticipate obstacles that can arise and find solutions for them

Obstacles are a fact of life, and they’re inevitable. No matter what you do, there will be times when you run into roadblocks or get stuck on your way to achieving a goal. But those disappointments can be turned into learning experiences that ultimately push you to achieve more than you imagined possible. The key is to anticipate obstacles before they happen and find solutions for them so you can reach your goals. When things don’t go according to plan, it’s easy to lose sight of what you’re trying to accomplish. Plan ahead and write down the potential.

7.Learn to face your emotions

The more you learn about yourself and how you react in different situations, the better you can control your emotions. This will help you to become more confident and gain more control over your life. With self-awareness, you can conquer a lot of fears, but the most important thing is that it gives you the best chance to live the life you want.

8. Work on your self-image

A positive self-image is a powerful tool for success. It can help you overcome stress, adversity, and failure; and maintain happiness in spite of circumstances. Self-image encompasses your physical appearance, personality, and personal traits like intelligence, creativity, and courage. Your self image affects how you feel about yourself and how others see you. If you have a positive self-image, you’re more likely to be satisfied with your life. As a result, you’ll be better able to confidently go after the things you in life.

9. Seek help

It’s easy to see the reason why people are afraid of seeking help. A lot of us think that admitting our mistakes and failures makes us look weak. It’s important to remember that our flaws don’t make us bad people, they just make us human. If you’re struggling with any self-sabotaging behaviour, it’s important to seek help from a medical professional.

Don’t let these negative mindsets hold you back from achieving great things. Take action today, and begin creating the life you truly want. If you’re holding yourself back, whatever the reason, remember that if you don’t change your mindset, it’s only going to get worse. If you see yourself as a victim of negative circumstances, this will probably continue to be an effect on your life. Be proud of yourself for the motivation and determination to make these changes regardless of what has happened in the past.


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